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Archive-Name: internet-services/internet-mall
Shopping on the Information Highway
A monthly list of commercial services available via the Internet
(C) Copyright 1994 Dave Taylor: see end for details
Maintained by Dave Taylor <taylor@netcom.com>
[issue #12, release for 1 September, 1994]
Organized by floors: First Floor: Media, Second Floor: Personal Items,
Third Floor: Computer Hardware and Software, Fourth Floor: Services,
Fifth Floor: Clothes, and Top Floor: Food Court.
Any line prefaced with + is new or modified in this latest issue.
- The growth is fantastic: in two weeks we've added over FIFTY new
- shops and businesses to the Internet Mall! Perhaps more exciting
- news, however, is that we now have an official mailing list that you
- can join to automatically receive copies of the Internet Mall as it's
- published: send mail to listserv@netcom.com saying 'subscribe imall-l'
- to sign up.
- A promotional plug of my own this time too: Rosalind Resnick and I are
- delighted to announce the publication of our new book "The Internet
- Business Guide" from SAMS. Learn more by sending mail to taylor@netcom.com
- with subject 'send intbiz'. Includes 20% Internet discount info too!
- New stores this issue include The Center for World Indigenous Studies,
- BiblioBytes electronic books, Library Solutions Press, The Internet Novice,
- WindoWatch, Virtual Stained Glass of Venezuela, imported crafts from
- Thailand, dog-motif collectables, stamps from Australia, baby gifts from
- The Stork Delivers, woodworking tools, lots of new computer software and
- hardware providers, and more! Don't forget to also check out Hilyard &
- Hilquist of Stanislaus County and their bounty of delicious fresh fruits
- and vegetables available direct from California!
+ Books
Looking for some Shakespeare or Dickens? You'll find the online
version of Book Stacks Unlimited, of Cleveland, Ohio a great addition
to the Internet Mall. To connect: telnet books.com
Moe's Books of Berkeley, CA is an excellent used bookstore with over half
a million titles specializing in rare, antiquarian, remainders and
imported books. Available catalogs are photography, art monographs,
fine press/literature and illustrated children's books. Contact them
through email: moesbooks@delphi.com
xxxxx The following will be removed unless I hear of people
xxxxx successfully connecting to this company:
x United Techbook Company of Longmont Colorado offers an online book
x service that encompasses over a million titles. You can connect, search
x for titles, and order books by using the command 'telnet utcbooks.com'
x with the account 'utc' (the password is also 'utc').
There are a number of specialty bookstores available through the Whole
Earth 'Lectronic Link: type 'gopher gopher.well.sf.ca.us' and choose
'commercial services' to find FringeWare and Extreme Books (catalog also
available via email at 'catalog@mailer.extremebooks.com').
Powell's Technical of Portland, Oregon offers new, used, and
antiquarian titles in fields including architecture, computing,
communications, engineering, math, and physics. You can contact
them through email: ping@technical.powells.portland.or.us
Infinity Link Network Services offers an online catalog of CDs, video
tapes, books, and laserdisks, all by connecting via telnet to
columbia.ilc.com - log in as 'cas' at the prompt. Alternatively, use
gopher by typing 'gopher columbia.ilc.com'
Publications and related from Statistics Canada, the national
statistical agency of Canada, are now available through its Talon
service through gopher, WAIS, email and anonymous FTP. Use your
favorite connectivity package to connect with talon.statcan.ca
The University of California, Irvine bookstore is now on the Internet
through the WorldWide Web. Browse reviews and Ansel Adams photographs
or search for books with WAIS. Web to http://bookweb.cwis.uci.edu:8042/ or
Gopher to "gopher.cwis.uci.edu", in "The Campus"/"Bookstore".
Pathfinder Press specializes in publishing revolutionary and working-class
leaders in their own words, including Malcolm X, Nelson Mandela, Che Guevara,
Fidel Castro, Karl Marx and Frederick Engels. Use gopher to connect to
"gopher.std.com" in /Book Sellers'.
+ Wordsworth Books of Cambridge Mass has an enormous selection of general
+ interest books and a large computer and technical book department, and
+ offers a discount on all books to online customers. To find out more,
+ send email to 'info@wordsworth.com', connect with Gopher to the
+ system 'gopher.wordsworth.com' or use URL http://www.wordsworth.com
Natural Literacy, based in Palo Alto, California, specializes in books on
nature studies, environmental topics, and outdoor activities, including
plant and animal identification, environmental policy and politics,
backpacking, paddling, park guidebooks, and more. Learn more by sending
email to 'natlit-info@envirolink.org'
Sidney Kramer Books is a retail bookstore and library distributor
specializing in government and business-related titles: politics,
economics, defense, area studies, business management, and computer
sciences. Send mail for more information: skbooks@clark.net
Seaside Book & Stamp focuses on two niches: stamps and stamp collecting
supplies and science fiction books. The firm stocks over 10,000
titles and is accessible with gopher "gopher gopher.nstn.ns.ca" or through
electronic mail: gtucker@fox.nstn.ns.ca
Development Press of Victoria, British Columbia, specializes in how to
involve the public in planning and decision-making by corporations and
government agencies. Send for their catalogue about their quarterly
newsletter, Constructive Citizen Participation, their resource book and
their instructional video at connor@amtsgi.bc.ca
Albion Books is a San Francisco-based publisher of fine bound books and
free electronic texts. Its current titles include _Netiquette_ by
Virginia Shea and _The Millennium Shows_ by Philip Baruth. For more
information about these and forthcoming Albion Books, send an email
query to info@albion.com.
+ The Center for World Indigenous Studies is a non profit research and
+ education organization dedicated to promoting a wider understanding of
+ the political and human rights situation faced by the world's Indigenous
+ Peoples. The Center publishes and distributes literature written and
+ voiced by leading contributors of Indigenous Nations. For a current
+ publication catalogue please email: jburrows@halcyon.com
Annex: Horror and Science Fiction Bookstores
Future Fantasy, a bookstore of science fiction, fantasy, mystery and
horror, is now on the net. You can browse their catalog and place orders
through the Web. Use the URL:
Nebula Sci-Fi Bookstore is an alternative science fiction bookstore that
is accessible through electronic mail. To receive a catalog, send mail
to 'nebula@cam.org' with the message subject "catalog".
Bakka, a science fiction, fantasy and horror book store, now offers
its amusing and informative catalog through the Internet. Get your
own copy by sending mail to "vmall@hookup.net" with the subject
"send bakka catalog"
+ Annex: Electronic Books
An interesting alternative to modern printed material is electronic
books, which are available for purchase through the aptly named
Online Bookstore. Connect with gopher or WWW to marketplace.com.
The Please Copy This Disk project offers over 240 different (Mac or
IBM format) disks containing classic books and government documents
as electronic texts. The free monthly Internet-on-a-Disk newsletter
is also available: for information, send email to B&R Samizdat
Express at samizdat@world.std.com
Multimedia electronic books for Windows users are available from
OmniMedia through the network, and you can find samplers by using FTP
to check out the directory "/pub/noring/books" on "ftp.netcom.com". For
more information, please send email to "noring@netcom.com".
The Internet Bookstore offers a wide variety of copyright-protected
text-only versions of publishers books and periodicals to Internet
users, accessible instantly, day or night. Learn more by sending mail:
+ BiblioBytes sells electronic books via the Internet. BiblioBytes conducted
+ the first encrypted financial transaction entirely over the net, using an
+ early version of ICE (the Internet Creditcard Encryptor)-- no additional
+ hardware needed. For general info, e-mail to info@bb.com, catalog@bb.com for
+ the latest "in print".
+ Annex: Technical and Computer Books
Softpro Books is a small computer bookstore with shops in both Boston
and Denver and an online catalog of over 1000 titles. SoftPro is also
available on the world.std.com gopher server (choose "Shops of the
World"). You can also contact them through email: softpro@world.std.com
O'Reilly & Associates, publishers of a wide variety of high quality
books on Unix and Internet topics offer their books directly through the
Internet. Point your gopher to 'ora.com' (e.g., 'gopher ora.com') or
telnet to ora.com with the login 'gopher'.
High Mountain Press Direct offers books on Unix, CAD, desktop publishing
and geographic information systems topics. You can request catalogs and
order titles by sending mail to 'info@bookstore.hmp.com'
Artech House, a technical book and software publisher, offers hundreds
of different technical titles - and some software and video tapes - via
the Internet. Connect to 'gopher world.std.com' and choose 'Shops of
the World'.
One of the larger technical bookstores accessible online is Quantum
Books, of Cambridge, Massachusetts with 20,000 titles on-hand and a
database of 65,000 titles. The focus is primarily computer science,
math and physics. Contact them by gopher: look in 'Book Sellers'
after using gopher to 'world.std.com', or email 'quanbook@world.std.com'
+ Roswell Electronic Computer Bookstore is an extension of the retail
+ store located in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. The online database
+ includes over 5,500 titles and they can special order just about any
+ book in print. Web to http://www.nstn.ca/first.html, gopher to
+ gopher.nstn.ca 70 or email: roswell@fox.nstn.ca
Silicon Valley is a logical place to find a great technical and
computer bookstore, but through the Internet, you can also get to
Computer Literacy Bookstore by electronic mail: send a message to
info@clbooks.com to learn more about this service.
Looking for German language technical books and CDROM disks? JF Lehmanns
Fachbuchhandlung in Berlin now offers online CDROM and book catalogues,
You can access them directly with gopher or the Web: use 'gopher
gopher.germany.eu.net' or 'Web to the following:
Cucumber Books of Maryland is online with its large selection of
discount Unix and C books. Request a catalog: catalog@cucumber.com
or talk to a human by sending mail to: info@cucumber.com.
Washington D.C.-based Reiter's Scientific & Professional Books can now be
reached through the Internet by sending mail to 'books@reiters.com'. A
good choice for difficult-to-find technical literature.
x InfoBook offers a selection of over 10,000 current technical and
x reference books, including many titles in French. Send queries
x through electronic mail to infobook@interlink.net or use Gopher
x to connect directly: 'gopher gopher.interlink.net'.
Norwegian Library House AS and Swedish Library House AB offer a full
import bookselling service in Norway and Sweden, together with an export
service for Scandinavian books. Learn more about them by connecting to
their 'Web URL http://www.oslonett.no/home/paul/index.html or send
email to: nlh@oslonett.no
The Internet Book Shop is much more than just a place to buy books on
the network: it features cross-indexed information about books from
a wide range of academic publishers. Facilities include search by
subject, publisher, support for mailing lists, and on-line ordering
with international delivery. Check URL: http://www.demon.co.uk/bookshop/
+ Internet books for beginners and trainers: if you want to learn how to make
+ your way around the Internet in an easy tutorial manner, check out the
+ publications from Library Solutions Press. For detailed book and ordering
+ information, please send email to: info@library-solutions.com
Annex: Religious Books & Related
1-800-JUDAISM offers a variety of judaica items, including books,
videos, music, and supplies. Connect through gopher: 'gopher judaism.com'
or use the URL 'gopher://judaism.com/'
Annex: Travel Books
Moon Travel Handbooks offers a wide variety of travel publications and
information from its own press and others. The gopher site can be reached
by the command 'gopher gopher.moon.com', through email 'travel@moon.com'
or check out the 'Hawaii' travel Web page, produced with the UCI Bookstore:
URL http://bookweb.cwis.uci.edu:8042/Books/Moon/moon.html
Horizon Books of Toronto features rare & out-of-print books about
voyages, travel, exploration, natural history and plant hunting from the
17th to the 20th centuries. Catalogs are sent by paper mail or e-mail
depending on their size. For a catalog, e-mail your postal address and
areas of interest to: errol@io.org
+ The Magazine Rack
Samples of many different magazines are available on the Internet,
as shown below:
"The New Republic" via 'gopher gopher.internet.com'
"The Global Network News": http://nearnet.gnn.com/news/home/news.html
"Mother Jones": http://www.mojones.com/motherjones.html
"WIRED": http://www.wired.com/
"The Internet Letter" through the Web at:
All these and more are also available by checking into the Electronic
Newsstand. Try: gopher internet.com or telnet internet.com, login
as 'enews'. Email info@enews.com for more information on the service.
"The Magazine For Adult Children of Aging Parents" is for anyone facing
the questions, issues, and concerns from having an aging parent. Covers
all aspects of eldercare, including the emotional costs of care. Sample
articles and subscription form are available. Via the WorldWide Web:
The COOK Report focuses on political and policy issues about the
Government's involvement in the commercialization and privatization of the
Internet. To learn more, send email to "cook@path.net".
3W Magazine, the Global Networking Magazine, focuses on Internet issues
while avoiding the jargon present in other network media; for subscription
information and fees, check URL http://www.3W.com/3W/ or send email
to info@3W.com for more details.
If you're a collector, you'll be interested in learning more about
CollectorsNet, a discussion forum to exchange information about
new releases, limited editions, retired pieces, and more. To learn
more, send electronic mail to 'owner-collectors-list@netcom.com'
Tired of the unrelenting seriousness of life? Then you need Laf!, a
tabloid featuring zany spoofs of modern life and cartoons. Best new
American humorists are featured and you can receive a free paper
copy sample -- send your mail address and include "Laf!" in the
subject -- mail to: scher@smtplink.ipfw.indiana.edu
CONTACT-ADRESS: scher@smtplink.ipfw.indiana.edu
Privacy and surveillance magazines and reports are available through
the Internet, including the Directory of Electronic Surveillance
Equipment Suppliers, The IRS in Action and Full Disclosure Magazine.
Send email for a catalog: glr@rci.ripco.com
CONNECT, a telecomputing magazine for all modem users, is an unbiased,
user-oriented magazine covering the major commercial online services,
Internet/Usenet and bulletin board system networks. CONNECT is the pub
for you. Learn more: pegasus@cyberspace.org
San Francisco Bay Area Parent Magazine has a Web server offering
a monthly calendar of events of interest to parents and children.
A great resource for families traveling to the Bay Area. You can
subscribe to the print magazine too: URL http://www.internet-is.com/parent/
+ CompuTate, Inc. publishes "The Internet Novice" (tm), a newsletter
+ dedicated to new and prospective users of the Internet. Whether
+ you are a beginning netter or simply very interested in this whole
+ Internet thing, "The Internet Novice" is for you. For more info, please
+ send e-mail or finger: tates@access.digex.net.
+ WindoWatch is a monthly online Windows magazine. Its' writers are well
+ known computer professionals and offer objective product reviews
+ and careful evaluations in an advertisement-free environment. To learn
+ more about WindoWatch, send email to windowatch@ins.infonet.net
CONTACT-ADDRES: windowatch@ins.infonet.net
Collegetown Magazine Subscription Services, sending over 1,500
USA titles worldwide by subscription at the guaranteed lowest
rates + 1 yr. free sub with first order, since 1973. For more info
and a catalog of titles, send email to: krazykev@panix.com
+ Music and Video
Infinity Link Network Services offers a catalog of video tapes,
laserdisks, CDs and books accessible by connecting via telnet to
columbia.ilc.com - log in as 'cas' at the prompt. Alternatively, point
your gopher there with 'gopher columbia.ilc.com'
With an online catalog of over 80,000 titles, the Compact Disc
Connection is perhaps the best of the current bunch if you're looking
for some specific music. To visit this store 'telnet cdconnection.com'
The Virtual Record Store lists over 3500 CD titles, and can be reached
at gopher: gopher.nstn.ns.ca or URL: gopher://owl.nstn.ns.ca:70/11/e-mall
Imart offers audio and video: compact discs, laser discs, VHS music
video cassettes, and CDROM software, all through the Internet. You
can obtain the Imart online catalog list by sending email to
'imart@netcom.com' with subject 'info' or FTP to 'ftp.netcom.com'
and look in 'pub/imart'.
The largest discount source of compact discs, cassettes and music videos
is accessible through email. With over 140,000 titles including compilations
and box sets, and with competitive pricing, it's worth checking out! For
information send mail to: speedm354@aol.com
Noteworthy Music offers over 17,000 compact discs through the Web, and
many even include pictures of the CD covers! Customers receive a discount
of 20-40% and all orders are shipped the same day. Check it out by
either 'telnet netmarket.com' or URL http://www.netmarket.com/
For the lastest in MIDI software and hardware, including Roland, EMU,
Korg, Tascam and Marshall, Horizons One can provide you a one stop
solution. Inquiries and orders by email: midiwiz@interaccess.com
Buying concert tickets is always a tricky concern, but did you know that
companies like Planet Earth Management can sell you concert packages that
not only include excellent seats but hotel space in town too? They're on
the net: Pink Floyd is the current tour: pink@society.com, and on the
way is the new Rolling Stones tour: stones@society.com for info.
Artists, musicians, writers, and other creative folk will want to plug
in to the Kaleidospace independent artist promotion space. You can have
samples of your latest graphics, tracks, poetry, or whatever else available
on the WorldWide Web while retaining full rights. Send email for more
info - editors@kspace.com - or check it out: http://kspace.com
Homewood Musical Instrument Company is an eclectic shop of obscure and
familiar musical instruments. You can buy, sell exchange, have
repaired, restored or get lessons on anything from luthier built
guitars, violins and band instruments to bagpipes, dulcimers and
concertinas. More info: retedrow@the-matrix.com
Lindsey Sound Design can produce custom audio CDs from a wide variety
of sources. They also do digital audio restoration and enhancements,
re-mastering of demo tapes, and custom music composition. For more
details, email: lindseysnd@aol.com
+ American Supply International, Inc. offers over 25,000 movies on
+ videotape, all priced under $30: most under $20! Categories from current
+ hit releases to hard-to-find documentary, educational, and "how-to"
+ tapes. Send your postal address for a free catalog: asii@dgs.dgsys.com
+ or FTP the catalog from 'xs.henderson.com' as file /pub/VID94-8.ZIP
+ The Virtual Art Gallery
Copperfield Gallery offers a complete line of signed and numbered
lithographs at a 10% discount and can transmit a color scan before you
buy. They carry the complete lines of David Winter Cottages and
Bradford Exchange Collector Plates. Find out more, or ask for a
transmitted preview by sending email: coperfld@olympus.net
Access Art offers fine art for browsing and sale, including well-known
artists Olivia, Moebius, and newcomer Ted Kimer. Connect with the
gallery through the WorldWide Web at URL http://www.mgainc.com/
+ Art Gallery offers high quality limited edition and superb open edition
+ prints by popular artists. Each is professionally framed by skilled
+ craftsmen with over a decade of experience. Connect to 'gopher
+ world.std.com' and choose 'Shops of the World' for downloadable catalog
+ with print images.
+ Virtual Stained Glass, run by Ricardo Baez-Duarte in Caracas, Venezuela,
+ offers computerized full-color stained glass design, including full-scale
+ detailed blueprints, scanned photos of designs, and more. Contact
+ Ricardo through email: rbaez@conicit.ve
+ SECOND FLOOR: Personal Items
Sunglasses, Shavers and More! catalog available through the Internet,
though users interested in the Braun, Bausch & Lomb, Corning, Forchner and
Victornox products will have to settle electronic mail only at this
point: send a message to 'sunglass@clark.net' for a catalog.
Guardian Optical is a direct to the public distributor of eyeglass frames,
lenses, cases, cleaning supplies, sunglasses and other optical items.
Prices are up to 50% less than retail! Learn more by sending an email
message to: specmaker@aol.com
+ Beauty Products
If you're looking for European perfumes for yourself or as a gift,
you'll want to check the European Perfumes catalog, featuring products
from Ralph Lauren, Oscar de la Renta, Givenchy, and Alfred Sung. Send
mail to "vmall@hookup.net" with the subject "send eperfume catalog"
DNA, Ltd. offers the Slender World line of skin care products: Cellulite
cream, firming cream, moisturizer and facial cleanser and toner for women.
For men, shaving gel, toner and skin balm from Johnathan's ELITE. Available
to both retail and wholesale customers. More: jtheires@ins.infonet.net
+ Dermatology Associates, P.C. is a group of board certified dermatologists who
+ have been in practice for over 23 years. Over the years they have developed
+ skin and hair products for their patients; for the first time they are
+ offering their Basic System for skin and hair care to the public, 25
+ products including sunscreens, shampoos, skin cleansers, creams and
+ lotions. Email to dda1@char.vnet.com for a brochure.
+ The TendSkin Company offers products to help you care for your skin after
+ waxing, shaving or other hair removal. Other products are in development,
+ including deodorant and acne formulas. Send email: rdyforthfu@aol.com
CONTACT-ADDRESS rdyforthfu@aol.com
+ Games
Looking for boardgames, perhaps older or unusual ones? Then a quick
connection to Harmony Games, run by a veteran game designer, might be
just what the virtual doctor ordered. Connect with gopher or WWW to
If you're looking for games that are fun for the whole family and build
developmental skills too, then you should know about Discovery Toys. Now
you can: Send mail to "vmall@hookup.net" with the subject "send dtoys cat"
+ A terrific source for role-playing and wargames is Realms of Imagination,
+ with a varied product line including all major distributors, all at a
+ 30% discount (discount varies outside US/Canada). Send your postal
+ address to realms@delphi.com for a free catalog or information.
Electronic mail offers much more than just a way to save on postage: Gamer's
Den focuses on offering the highest quality multiplayer play-by-e-mail
games like VGA Planets and Phoenix, many with attractive graphical PC
interfaces. For more information send mail to info@den.com.
Infinite Illusions is now on-line, with juggling equipment, boomerangs, yoyos
and other skill toys. Contact the company through email (infinite@io.com)
FTP (io.com, look in /pub/usr/infinite) or the Web with URL
+ Crafts and Hobbies
Dolls and santas, handcrafted traditional gifts, natural fibers and
crafter's supplies are available through the Internet by connecting to
McCrerey Farm of Pennsylvania. Use gopher to connect to telerama.lm.com
and look in the "Shopping Plaza."
Natural Stitches, a needlework shop located in Pittsburgh, PA, specializes
in natural fibers for knitting, crochet, and counted cross-stitch.
For information about ordering via the Internet, or other information
about the shop, send email to Martha Underwood at ddancer@netcom.com.
The Red Eagle features a variety of crafts and gifts offering a taste
of Canadiana ranging from Hudson Bay's blankets, decoys and hats, to
hand-knit sweaters. Send mail to "vmall@hookup.net" with the subject
"send redeagle catalog"
Authentic fossil replicas and natural history gifts are the main
find at Skullduggery, a unique gift alternative through the
Internet. Send a message to "vmall@hookup.net" with the subject
of "send skull catalog"
Leprechaun Lumber Co. creates beautiful handcrafted desk accessories in
solid California Tan Oak or Redwood. Learn more about these items,
including pricing and ordering info through email: guymar@crl.com
+ High quality arts and crafts in traditional and contemporary
+ styles from Thailand for export worldwide. Many unique and
+ one-of-a-kind items. Contact WPS co ltd in Bangkok at
+ derkw@pipeline.com to request brochure and pricelist.
+ ImageMaker's Gifts for Dog Lovers has something for every dog owner.
+ Quilts to coffee mugs, all items are hand-crafted, based on the pen-and-
+ ink drawings of world renowned artist Monique Akar. With 156 breeds, the
+ company definitely has your dog! Catalog by email: townsend@onramp.net
+ or the Web at URL http://www.onramp.net/imagemaker
+ Collectables
+ Ozi Stamps offers the full range of current Australian philatelic
+ products, including individual stamps, first day covers, stamp packs,
+ and annual collections. Contact the firm through electronic
+ mail at stamps@interconnect.com.au or grab the catalogue through
+ FTP: ftp.interconnect.com.au in directory /pub/stamps
Colorburst Studios handcrafts eye-dazzling colorful niobium jewelry,
with 18 years of experience. Niobium must be seen for you to see
how colorful a metal it is, and you can do that through the Web by
connecting to URL http://www.teleport.com/~paulec/catalog.html
Also check "gopher gopher.teleport.com" or email: paulec@teleport.com
If you're perennially late with flowers and other gifts for your
significant other, you'll be delighted to know that there's now a
florist on the Internet. Grant's Florist and Greenhouse can be reached
through the Web (http://florist.com:1080) or gopher; use 'gopher
x Mr. Rose offers a wide variety of flower arrangements, fruit baskets,
x balloon gifts and much, with worldwide delivery. Corporate accounts
x a specialty too. Learn more through email: mrrose@delphi.com
Flowers, gifts and balloons from 800-THE-ROSE, the #1 ranked flower
delivery service in the US, are now available on the Internet. You
can learn more - and preview the arrangements - through the 'Web at
URL http://www.netmarket.com/ or 'telnet netmarket.com'
FlowerNet is available through the Internet too, with a variety of
different flower arrangements and worldwide delivery. Learn more
through the URL http://usa.net/fn/fn.html
Buning the Florist has a catalog of its most popular flower
arrangements on the Internet, and it's accessible through the Web.
Use URL http://www.satelnet.org/flowers/ Like what you see? With a
forms-capable browser you can order right there, or by sending
email to: order@buning.satelnet.org
+ Other Gifts
The Vermont Teddy Bear Company is online on the Internet and you
can see the variety of their wares by using a Web browser and
specifying the URL http://www.service.digital.com/tdb/vtdbear.html
or sending electronic mail to teddy.bear@service.digital.com
+ Looking for the perfect baby gift? When flowers wilt and balloons burst,
+ the Stork Delivers the very best. Their unique baby baskets have traveled
+ the world and touched the hearts of many. URL http://www.rai.com:8003/
+ Promotional Goods
Digital Printing Services specializes in printing full-color thermal
transfer or dye-sublimation prints on cotton t-shirts, sweat shirts,
wood-backed metal plaques, license plates, bumper stickers, aprons, mouse
pads, and more. Contact them by sending email to: danneuwi@symantec.com
Frequent trade show attendees are doubtless familiar with the wide
range of promotional products, but now, with Images International,
you can make your own promotional pens, lighters, shirts, cups,
and more. Learn more by sending mail to "vmall@hookup.net" with the
subject "send IMAGES catalog"
One neat feature of laser and inkjet printers is that they can
print on pre-printed stock, and now you can order colorful Internet
Citizen calling card master sheets (10 cards per sheet) direct
through the network: send mail to canyoniworks@delphi.com for info.
Look no further for vinyl lettering and graphics: whether it be for your
aircraft, boat, recreational vehicle or snowmobile, Daniel Paul has the
lettering, striping, logo and graphic reproduction services you need. Learn
more through email to either IMDAN@aol.com or 73314,2064 on CompuServe.
The Studio offers over 500,000 generic and custom imprinted advertising
speciality products, quality food and gift items, apparel and textiles,
fine leather goods, party supplies and more. Check out the new Studio
PC Source Book too: an interactive computer-based catalog. Learn more
by sending email to 'the.studio@glib.org'
Custom toothbrushes with your own imprint is a great way to spread
the word about your company and services, and Image Imprints has
been stamping brushes since 1983. Learn more by sending email to
smilepower@aol.com with the subject "mall request"
Dwagon Publishing can quickly print a variety of products from single
color laser-safe thermographed letterhead to holographic business cards
and full color satin jackets that you can order one at a time! More info
through email: arn@netcom.com
+ Even/Anna, Ltd. offers a wide range of promotional products that can help
+ your business grow. Clothes, pens, mugs, and other products imprinted with
+ your name and logo will help you get your message across to customers,
+ suppliers, employees, or anyone else. Send email to evananna@ais.net or
+ check the URL http://www.ais.net/evenanna
+ National Ad Specialties is a nationally recognized promotional products and
+ advertising specialty and its now available to help you on the Internet.
+ Immediate answers/quotes/ideas through email: PhilG0415@aol.com
+ Tools
+ Woodworking tools, machinery, supplies for sale. Save money on bandsaws,
+ jointers, drill presses, table saws, sanders, dust collectors, planers and
+ more! Fast delivery. For free information send email to: info@Conestoga.Com
Adult Toys and More!
Okay, so you can get flowers, music, and books through the Internet,
but what about that really special, unusual item you'd like to give your
significant other? J.T. Toys offers an electronic sex and adult toystore
accessible via gopher: connect to world.std.com and look in 'Shops of
the World' or send email to: jttoys@world.std.com
PPI offers a variety of XXX rated video tapes, with new movies
arriving monthly. Find out more through email: davemu@comm.mot.com
+ THIRD FLOOR: Computer Hardware and Software
+ Software
If you're a scientific type, you've probably already bumped into the
book "Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing", but did you
know that all the source code shown in that book is available to buy
online in both C and FORTRAN? Connect with 'gopher cfata4.harvard.edu'.
The Programmer's Shop is a ten-year-old company offering a wide
selection of programming tools, with a catalog of thousands of
different products. Also included in the list are applications,
utilities, hardware, and more. Connect with them by 'gopher
world.std.com' and choosing 'Shops of the World', or through email to
If you're looking for the BSDI version of Berkeley Unix for your
computer system, you can contact the BSDI company directly via
electronic mail for information and catalogs. Use the Web and
connect to www.bsdi.com or try 'gopher gopher.bsdi.com'
+ Motif developers won't want to miss SWiM, a port of the latest OSF Motif
+ code to Linux, BSD/386, FreeBSD, Coherent, and NetBSD: it's the
+ complete Motif runtime and development environment. SWiM is from GUI
+ Corporation and is available from the two authorised distributors:
+ ACC Corp <info@acc-corp.com> in North America, and Lasermoon
+ <info@lasermoon.co.uk> in Europe.
x Alphabets designs and sells digital type products for the electronic
x publishing market, including multiple master and TrueTypeGX formats.
x They also offer design services including print, interactive and multimedia.
x Get their catalogue through email: psf@mcs.com
SofTools International specializes in hard to find technical and scientific
software. From programmers tools to analytical programs for science, their
catalog features more than 1,500 products: email softools@delphi.com
Neural Networks - Experience the future today: teach your computer to learn
what you tell it. "The Brain - Neural Network Simulator" is a software package
that is simple enough to be used by non-technical people, yet sophisticated
enough for serious research work. Email DP Computing at dpc@mep.com
Legal Soft, Inc. offers software for legal professionals with an aim
to helping you make your law office more efficient and productive.
For more information, send email to: barad@palmer.com
CXSOFT offers a suite of high performance software packages, including
MLIB (optimized math library) and LSF (load/resource balancing).
Ask about the 35-day no-cost evaluation too! Email: info@cxsoft.convex.com
Computer Express has over 3000 products available, with discounts of
up to 60%. Users can reach the firm through a variety of different
Internet services, including URL http://cexpress.com:2700 Gopher users
can point to 'cexpress.com 2600' or email users: info@cexpress.com
Information Management Company offers software products to help firms
transition smoothly to open systems computing. Products include a
custom implementation of Tuxedo ETP, a wide variety of other binaries,
education, support and maintenance. IMC also offers add-on products,
including OpenTransPort communications gateways. Info: imc@imc.com
MicroSolved specializes in POS, EDI, and other forms of electronic commerce
(email, LAN & WANs, information service usage). Friendly and knowledgable,
they can do custom software development, needs analysis, training and
implementation. For more information e-mail them at: p00331@psilink.com
SoundMorph from Massey Publishing does for audio what morphing did for
graphics. For product literature, pricing, and ordering information please
e-mail Massey Publishing at: masseyl@panix.com
CyberMedia Inc. is making available a free demo version of its PC911
product - an invaluable aid in keeping track of today's myriad
configuration files in a PC. Order on the net and get 20% off.
+ International Discount Computer, specializing in software for OS/2, has
+ hundreds of products available for all systems, with discounts of up to
+ 60%. Users can reach the firm through a variety of different Internet
+ services: URL http://www.qnet.com/mall/ or gopher users can point to
+ the host 'gopher.qnet.com'.
+ Familyware, the "Shareware Kids" people, specialize in IBM compatible
+ shareware just for kids. You can receive a copy of their latest
+ catalog through FTP. Connect to 'oak.oakland.edu', and get a copy
+ of the file 'SimTel/msdos/educatin/family08.zip' or send email for
+ more details to wk08703@worldlink.com
+ UniPress Software has developed and distributed UNIX software since
+ 1983, focusing on PC-UNIX connectivity solutions, development tools,
+ and UNIX applications. UniPress also offers 24-hour technical support,
+ maintenance, porting services, and consulting services. Send email to
+ info@unipress.com or use URL http://www.unipress.com/
+ If your company has been interested in standalone graphical
+ publishing and catalogs for DOS environments, but don't know where
+ to turn, then you'll want to learn more about Thomas J Goodwin,
+ who specializes in producing easy-to-use high quality grahical catalogs
+ and documents. Send email for details: chorrera@aol.com
+ Annex: Internet-related Software
+ Brooklyn North Software Works offers MS Windows software for creating World
+ Wide Web hypertext documents. HTML Assistant Pro is an easy HTML editor
+ and organizing tool for tracking your Web journeys. It also includes
+ their "Beginners' Guide to HTML". More info: harawitz@fox.nstn.ns.ca.
Annex: Desktop Publishing and Typeface Design
Graphic Magic offers 'Signature Fonts' for Windows users - your own
signature digitized into a True Type Font. This lets you "sign" letters,
memos, faxes, and more. Free sample font. Email: michael.daum@toltbbs.com
Guru Graphics & Software offers a full line of graphic designs,
fliers, menus, business card designs, and more. Full color scanning
is also available. Learn more by email: GGS@mixolydian.mv.com
Ruffer Graphic Solutions specializes in computer graphics, 24 & 8-bit color
scanning, superimposing, and special effects. Custom graphic design,
Wallpaper for Windows, TIFF, GIF, and other formats. Competitive pricing
with no compromise in quality. Inquire via email: druffers@ix.netcom.com
You can use your desktop publishing skills to generate a good income
creating local advertising projects, with only a small initial investment.
Unleash your creativity and work from home. New course teaches you all
details. E-Mail LydiaPolk@AOL.COM for info.
+ Annex: CDROMs
+ Software junkies already know about Walnut Creek CDROM: it publishes
+ over forty different collections of public domain and shareware
+ software CDROM disks ranging from X Window sources to Mac and PC
+ programs. You can see their catalog by using 'finger info@cdrom.com'
+ and order by email to 'orders@cdrom.com'. NEW URL http://www.qnet.com/mall/
CD Publishing Corp makes available a variety of different CDROM disks
containing archival copies of Usenet, networking software for PC
computers, and more. Gopher to gopher.cdpublishing.com for more
The Expert Center for Taxonomic Identification in Amsterdam, with
funding from UNESCO, is now on the Internet and is making its
Multimedia CDROM-based Mac, Windows and NeXTStep biodiversity disks
available for 'net users. The latest release is "Birds of Europe". For
more information about ETI and its products, please send electronic
mail to "info@eti.bio.uva.nl".
Rocky Mountain Digital Peeks offers high quality multimedia CD-ROM
disks for Macs, including "Calculated Beauty," a fractal CD-ROM, the
Virtual Landscapes "Winter Hiking in Rocky Mountain National Park",
and "Rocky Mountain Wildflowers," an interactive wildflower identification
CD-ROM. Learn more by sending email to: rmdp@csn.org
DeLorme Mapping publishes a variety of maps and mapping applications
for personal computers, including the popular CD-ROMs Street Atlas USA
and Global Explorer. To find out more about its line of maps, connect
to the company through the Web with URL http://www.delorme.com/
New Wave Culture Plaza is offering a large variety of Chinese CD
and CDROM titles through the Internet, including titles from
Hong Kong, Taiwan and China. For more information, send an email
message to 'newwave@rahul.net' with "HELP" in the message body.
If you're in Ireland and can't find CDROM software, you'll want to
know about CD Imports of County Meath. CD Imports supplies a range
of over 600 titles for both PC and Macintosh platforms. Learn more
through electronic mail: cdimport@iol.ie
+ Micro Media offers a wide variety of multimedia PC software, and also has
+ a cool CDROM "CD Kiosk" available through the WorldWide Web. You can find
+ out about Micro Media through email (orders@micromedia.com) or use its Web
+ server at URL http://micromedia.com.
+ Config.sys offers a catalog of over 2000 cd-roms, dealer programs, and
+ many special discounts for students, military personell and others.
+ Get in touch by email, info@config.com, gopher gopher.wariat.org,
+ FTPing to ftp.wariat.org (pub/cdrom directory), or by using the
+ Web at URL http://www.wariat.org/1/cdrom.
+ 3rd Planet Software provides powerful development tools for integrating
+ geographic maps into UNIX based applications. The ATLAS MAP Widget and
+ ATLAS MAP Toolkit provide the programmer with all the tools necessary to
+ create high performance geographic applications overlaid with dynamic
+ map symbology. For more information send email to 3ps@world.std.com
+ Boston Technical Distribution is the exclusive distributor for SIEMENS'
+ XperCASE complete re-engineering and reverse engineering package
+ that facilitates language conversion (ie. COBOL to C, etc.) Demo
+ programs through FTP oak.oakland.edu in PUB/MSDOS/WINDOWS 3/. For more
+ information, please contact BosTech@world.std.com
+ Hardware
Interested in a new PC that runs a version of UNIX? Then you'll want
to check with Fintronic Linux Systems, a company that offers a wide
range of PC systems with Linux, a free Unix-like operating system,
pre-installed. Obtain their catalog by 'finger linux-sales@fintronic.com'
Now on the Web too: http://www.fintronic.com/linux/catalog.html
Computer Modeling sells thousands of different computer hardware and
software products, and offers computing consulting services too. Email
info@compumod.com or gopher telerama.lm.com and choose "Shopping Plaza."
Expert PC Systems specializes in offering a variety of quality
custom PC configurations and separate products, including modems,
sound cards, RAM, monitors, and hard disks. Send mail to ExPsales@aol.com
Browse through thousands of brand name peripherals and software without
leaving your desk: point, click, and email your order from DirectWARE
at the lowest prices around! Gopher: gopher.nstn.ns.ca or through
the 'Web at URL: gopher://owl.nstn.ns.ca:70/11/e-mall
Billing itself as the first Internet SuperStore, the Internet Shopping Network
is now on-line, offering over 10,000 software and hardware products for Mac,
Windows, DOS and Unix machines. Check out the wares through the 'Web by
connecting to http://shop.internet.net or send email to info@internet.net.
Mac MicroPhone users will want to know about the Celestin Company, with
high-speed Mac modem cables and an on-disk magazine for users of the
popular MicroPhone communications package. Learn more by either
using 'finger celestin@pt.olympus.net' or sending email to the
same address.
Computer modem buyers will appreciate the convenience of having WH Networks
available through the Internet: the 2 year old company specializes in data
communication products - incl AT&T, Digicom, Multitech and ZyXEL - and sells
to over 40 countries. FTP to 'ftp.whnet.com' and look in '/pub/wolfgang' or
access the home page: http://www.whnet.com/wolfgang/
The Ceram Email Marketplace (tm) offers a convenient system to obtain
quotes and place orders on SPARC based systems and peripherals.
Ceram specializes in providing equipment to Internet service providers
and provide pre and post sales technical support. Send mail to
Catalog@Ceram.COM for a list of current offerings.
Silverlake Software specializes in wireless communications and
network management products, and now that it's on the Internet,
you can order your products direct. Send email to silverlk@netcom.com
for a listing of available products.
If you're looking for a true blue computer then you'll be glad
to know that IBM Direct Canada is on the Internet with its full
range of IBM and Ambra products. Use Gopher to find out the
latest system prices: gopher direct.ibm.ca
Over 20,000 hardware and software products, 24 hours a day, 365 days
a year -- that's Insight Direct, Inc. And now, you can order from them
directly through the Internet. Order their catalog by sending electronic
mail to: catalog@insightd.com
Custom PC configurations and turnkey installations are a speciality at
The Computer Tailor. Learn more through the 'Web by connecting to the
URL http://www.mbnet.mb.ca/tct or sending email to: tct@mbnet.mb.ca
+ Desktop systems to complex systems solutions, McBride and Associates
+ can assist government and Fortune 1000 companies in acquiring leading edge
+ computer products and services to meet your specific needs. To obtain a list
+ of available documents from Mcbride, please send e-mail to: info@mcbride1.com
+ Annex: Computer Peripherals and Other Neat Stuff
Display Tech Multimedia offers products to connect Macs and PCs to a TV,
VCR, video projector, or any other video source. Learn more by using the
command 'finger dtmi@ccnet.com' or send mail to dtmi@ccnet.com
Video Systems Installation Group sells and services video and data
projection systems, offering installation for companies, hotels
and conference venues. Product lines include NEC, Da-Lite, Stewart, Zenith
Runco and more. Send email for deatils: amigan@cup.portal.com
If you're a mobile professional like so many people today, Solar Panel
Power's plug-and-play solar panels might be just what you need. Any
device that works with C or D batteries, including CD players, small
TV's, scanners and more can be powered by the sun. Send email to:
solar@wilder.com or URL http://www.wilder.com/solar.html
+ Energy Control Systems offers Internet users, etc. complete power
+ protection systems. Ranging from UPS systems, lightning and surge
+ protectors to complete facility studies. Stay on line and protect your
+ systems from downtime caused by faulty electricity. Send mail to
+ jedwards@dfw.net
+ Disk-O-Tape offers discount 3M media (disk, tapes, etc) and disk duplicating
+ equipment and services. For more info, send email to diskotape@branch.com,
+ gopher to branch.com or WWW to URL http://branch.com
+ Peripheral Pro offers quality computer products and peripherals at
+ extremely competitive prices. Get on their mailing list for weekly
+ specials on hard drives, modems, soundcards, tape backup systems and
+ printers. Send your email address to: infoax@public.compusult.nf.ca
+ FOURTH FLOOR: Services
Contracts, GSA, and other Government Documents
Looking for sales and pricing information on products available through
GSA contracts, indefinite delivery contracts, and open market? This is
a great place to check: telnet netmark.com and login as 'netmark'
Document Center is a hard copy document delivery service specializing in
government and industry specifications and standards. info@doccenter.com
or gopher doccenter.com, choose "Document Center" or, if you're using
WWW: http://www.service.com/doccenter/home.html
x Looking for corporate or business contracts suitable for your small or
x medium business? FitzGearld Webber Marketing now offers many of their
x products on the Internet. You can see what's available through the
x 'Web at URL gopher://owl.nstn.ns.ca:70/11/e-mall or gopher.nstn.ns.ca
x with gopher
+ Finances and Banking
Heart to Heart is a special program from American Savings of Florida
aimed at elderly, infirm, and others who cannot regularly make it into
a bank for financial transactions. Learn more about how one bank is
addressing this problem by sending email to: prad@asfl.com
Stock market information can be delivered right to your mailbox on
a daily basis. A customized message gives you the closing quotes
for just the stocks you're interested in. You can track options and
mutual funds as well as U.S. and Canadian stocks. Get more
information by email: info@ticker.com
Stock quotes, business news, market analysis and commentary, charts
and historical data -- anything related to investing may be found
at QuoteCom. Up to 5 quotes per day are FREE, and other services
provided at very low prices. For more information, send email
to info@quote.com, telnet quote.com, or URL http://www.quote.com
Interfinance Limited provides advisory and intermediary services for people
seeking project funding, in excess of US $3 million, in commercial or
industrial projects, real estate and venture capital. Further information
is at URL http://intergroup.com/interfinance or by direct email queries
Remlik Funding specializes in converting privately held mortgages
to cash nationwide. The firm offers programs for individual note holders,
realtors, builders and individuals unable to find conventional
financing for their properties. Learn more: paper@pylon.com
Professional Amalgamations, Inc., offers financial guarantees for groups
seeking financing for business projects or loans where collateral is
required to satisfy lenders criteria. Learn more: friedman@accesspt.north.net
ICSystems, with offices in California and Illinois, offers ICVerify,
a feature-rich program for merchant credit card processing and electronic
funds tranfer (EFT), portable to several platforms and certified for use
with virtually every bank and credit card processor. ICSystems is also
often able to assist in procuring a merchant account. Email: pjeans@mcs.net
+ Robert Ames Business Development Co. (RABDC) provides consulting services
+ to businesses that wish to franchise. RABDC specializes in developing an
+ entire franchise program including franchise agreements, Federal Trade
+ Commission and State regulatory documentation, operations manuals,
+ and marketing plans. Please send mail to bvesey@cap.gwu.edu for information.
+ Fundraising Services: Need to raise money for your worthy causes?
+ Nomad Science provides fundraising services to groups in need of
+ exciting and proven money-generating products. For info on how you can
+ get started, send email to nosci@web.apc.org
+ Cardservice International offers merchant bankcard processing of all
+ credit cards. They can approve 100% mail order, telephone order, and
+ homebased businesses with a 96% approval rate. Registered agent for
+ Bank of Oakland, Oakland,CA; Tehama City Bank, Red Bluff,CA; Humboldt
+ Bank, Eureka,CA; First Bank of Beverly Hills, Calabasas,CA; Redding Bank
+ of Commerce, Redding,CA. Email for info: Keyston512@aol.com
+ Insurance Companies
Your insurance needs can now be met through the Internet thanks to
Legacy Group of America. Learn more about their many insurance
services through the Web: URL http://branch.com:1080
+ Asset Protection: The wave of excessive litigation in our country
+ affects you no matter where you live, work or sell products. Seems
+ like eventually someone will sue (or threaten) you or your company.
+ Protect what you have worked so hard to get. Contact Gary R. Hoskins,
+ P.C. CPA to learn how at GaryH10300@aol.com
Legal Services
Running a small business and ready to incorporate? You don't even have
to leave your terminal if you contact The Company Corporation, the
largest on-line incorporation service in the world. Connect to them
with 'gopher incorporate.com', Web to http://incorporate.com/tcc/home.html
or email: corp@incorporate.com
Why go to an attorney when you can "Do It Yourself." Send mail to
learn more about a variety of self-help guides including an incorporation
kit, a will kit, and many more guides, all designed so you can help
yourself and save money. Please send email: rtrotman@dorsai.dorsai.org
Commercial Email Address Tracking Service
If you've ever tried to send mail to someone just to have it bounce,
you might be interested in this professionally maintained, easily
searched commercial database of email users. To learn more about
this service, send mail to 'sled@drebes.com' with the subject "info".
Small Business Services
Accounting and taxes can be incredibly difficult for firms online, so the
addition of Mark Farber, CPA to the Internet Mall is welcome! Mark
specializes in taxes, foreign investors with U.S. holdings, 24-hour/day
CPA requirements and late return filings. Contact him: markcpa233@aol.com
Zero in Technologies offers competitive analysis of software products to
assist you in picking out the best solution for your corporate needs.
Simply specify your requirements for a particular kind of software and
receive a report about the best product match. Learn more: rustici@aol.com
Confidential Assessment Services offers a confidential psychological
assessment service that can help companies identify underlying personality
and character traits of current and future employees. Learn more by 'Web
URL http://venus.mcs.com/~cascade/html/psych.html or by sending email
to: reiner@acfcluster.nyu.edu
+ Telephone and Telecommunications
S.R.Telcom offers promotional prepaid telephone cards. Put your LOGO on
the phone cards and give to your customers. Keep your company's image in
front of your customers! Contact: intrepid@panix.com
Freedom Phone Cards provides customized debit telephone calling card services.
You can also create custom debit cards for promotions, premiums, incentives,
or product launches. Services include customized voice prompts, live bi-
lingual operators, and more. Send email to jacosta@netcom.com for more
Save 50%-90% on your international calls with Matrix Communications'
callback services. Learn more about how this strategy can work to help
you save big money on expensive international phone calls: send email
to callback@netcom.com
Hello Direct offers a variety of high-quality telecom products through
the net, including 900 MHz cordless headsets and teleconferencing
units. Learn more with URL http://www.hello-direct.com/hd/home.html
Do you need to cut your long distance bills or learn of a way to get
long distance free? Do you need your own 900 number free for a year?
Get free information by sending your name and postal mailing
address to 'BBL900@aol.com'.
AmeriCom Long Distance is offering, to qualified companies, MCI long distance
(including 800 and Calling Card) at rates comparable to those obtained by top
Fortune 500 companies. Rates for 1+ and calling card start at 12.72 CPM Day
and 10.93 CPM Eve, coast-to-coast. For details e-mail: mci-info@AmeriCom.com
Excel Telecommunications offers long distance service at rates
considerably cheaper than AT&T. The firm also offers a 50% discount
for calls between Excel customers, and a customer incentive program
unequaled in the industry. Learn more: ad003@freenet.buffalo.edu
+ An 800 telephone number FREE of monthly fees, initial start-up fees, or
+ minimum usage fees. All you pay is 20 cents per minute on incoming calls.
+ Makes your expensive 'calling card' obsolete when calling home. Personal or
+ business. Send email to 800 Numbers America at ddeangel@psuhmc.hmc.psu.edu
+ National Error Auditing Techniques specializes in checking telephone and
+ utility bills for overcharges. NEAT does this on a contingency basis only;
+ if there is no savings/refund there is no fee. Send mail to NEAT@Delphi.com
+ or 71321.2257@ Compuserve.com for more information.
Employment Services
ROM Enterprises can FAX your resume to over 200 Houston-based firms
in the oil and gas industry (jobs include geologists, geophysicists,
computer programmers). Learn more about this valuable regional job
service by sending email to billt@neosoft.com
The Career Oriented Preference System is a battery of tests that help
you identify your aptitude and work values against a wide variety of
different careers, and you can take it through the Internet! For
more information send email to rfvc@aol.com
Media Duplication Services
Circa Informatique offers data media conversion services; they can
write up to 650 MBytes of your files from any media onto a CDROM,
readable on any platform. Reach them through email at either
robin@inrs-telecom.uquebec.ca or Compuserve:75014,3034
Transcripts of various programs can be ordered directly through the
Internet by connecting with Journal Graphics. To see their catalog, use
'telnet pac.carl.org', account PAC. Choose 'Information Databases'.
+ International Trade
If your company is involved in international import or export you
might want to check out the International Trade Network, where for
a minimal fee you can receive daily commercial trade leads through
Internet e-mail and more. Send email to majordomo@world.std.com with
the message "info intltrade", or drop a note to usa@world.std.com.
International Business Network is the oldest system dedicated to the
facilitation of international trade, investment and strategic cooperation.
The firm also offers trade leads from every part of the world including the
exclusive electronic distribution point of government tenders from the
People's Republic of China. Info by e-mail: JAMONTELEONE@ibnet.com
Asian Information Service offers a range of services, including news
monitoring, and document translation and delivery. We have an excellent
database on China offering China-related information in a variety of
formats. Tell us your needs, and how we might help! Contact AIS
by sending mail to: jsweeney@uclink.berkeley.edu
Adjunct Resources specializes in Spanish translations. Ask for a free
brochure and rate sheet by sending email to iauxs06@uicvmc.aiss.uiuc.edu
ACL Services International, a division of SofTools International, makes your
company's products and services speak Espanol! ACL will take you into Mexico
and other Spanish speaking markets, from preparing your products, to setting
up the freight forwarder to placing you with the major distribution
organizations. Email SOFTOOLS@delphi.com for information.
Intertrade Mercantile Exchange is a global exchange for goods
and services. Members have a controlled-value structure for an
innovative form of barter trade. Learn more by connecting to
URL http://intergroup.com/mercantile or through email to either
trade@int.intergroup.com (US) or trading@nl.intergroup.com (EC).
International Projects, Inc. offers complete export management services to US
manufacturers, including seminars, consulting, and reference books. "Capture
The Flag" is a series of "how to" books for exporters. "Incoterms for
Americans" details the Incoterms 1990 in easily understood American business
English. Send requests for information to: michael.daum@toltbbs.com
RDS & Associates is seeking companies who wish to expand their
revenue base through global sales. The firm builds export sales
structures customized to your product lines by identifying and
establishing strategic relationships. Send email to rds@cts.com
+ Media Arts/Moscow is an American-owned company which creates marketing
+ strategies and media campaigns for anyone wanting to break into the
+ enormous new markets of Russia and the countries of the CIS. The
+ company has an in-house computer graphics studio and media placement
+ department. Email inquiries: Moscinema@glas.apc.org
Marketing Services
If you're in the business of selling yourself, your ideas, your
services or your product you'll want to know about the many booklets
and pamphlets available from the Ambassador of Selling. Learn more
through email: ajzell@netcom.com
Telecommunications and information marketing is a booming business,
and INFOMARK, a consulting company that can help you design your
own marketing strategies, is online. You can purchase a copy of
their "900" number source guide by connecting either with gopher
or WWW to marketplace.com.
Cold-call selling wastes your time and money, so you'll want to inquire
for information about a telemarketing service that cut those costs by
over 50%. Let your salespeople focus on closing the sale. Send email
to brockh@iglou.com for more information.
Email-based FAX Service
Need to send a FAX but just don't have a FAX machine or FAX modem
handy? Then AnyWare Associates' FAXiNET might be just the service
for you. Once you're subscribed, you can send email that they auto-
matically FAX to the specified party or parties worldwide. For
more information, send email to info@awa.com
+ Real Estate
National Real Estate Services of Vancouver, BC, Canada, is publishing its
franchise database of over 20,000 real estate listings through the
Internet. More connectivity is on the way, but today you can connect
through the WorldWide Web with the URL http://www.gems.com/realestate/.
If you're trying to buy or sell real estate, you'll find the Westcoast
Interchange of potential value. Its real estate listing space offers a
free forum for sellers (you can add photographs for a fee). Check it
out with the URL: http://interchange.idc.uvic.ca/
American Homebuyers can take some of the confusion and cost out of
buying a house by using The Homebuyer's Fair. Available through the Web
at URL http://www.homefair.com/ it includes an information booth, a
listing of houses for sale, and the obtain a mortgage booth, where you
can contact lenders via an "electronic postcard."
Myers Equity Express offers the convenience of getting a home mortgage
quote with a simple fill out form on the Web. Get a $250 discount with
your loan. Use URL http://www.internet-is.com/myers/
+ Home Probe Home Inspection and Appraisal Service offers home inspection
+ and home appraisals to eastern Massachusetts homeowners. Offered free to
+ anyone are detailed reports on radon, lead paint, home inspection tips,
+ and a home appraisal guide. For these reports or for more information
+ on Home Probe, send E-Mail to: Stekeo@Netcom.com
Cars and other Vehicles
Looking for a classic or exotic car? You'll want to learn more about
the Internet AutoPages, where people around the world can advertise classic
and exotic cars for sale. Rolls Royce of Beverly Hills and Criswell Lotus
are also participants. Learn more through the Web by pointing your
browser at URL http://www.clark.net/pub/networx/autopage/autopage.html
or sending email to: networx@networx.clark.net
Motor and Engine Repair Services
Industrial Electric Motor Service of Twin Falls Idaho offers a variety
of motors, repair and rewinding services, including systems up to 2000
horsepower. Learn more by email: iems@eicbbs.wseo.wa.gov
+ Travel Agency
Tired of the local surroundings and ready to leave your computer behind
and soak up some sun? The wholesale tour operator Mexico Resorts & Tours
is now on the Internet, with their focus on unusual tours to Mexico and
Central America. Individuals to large groups, you can find out more about
the services by sending email to travel@magma.com
Enjoy overseas travel while learning a foreign language and culture!
International Universities offers intercultural studies and overseas
summer au pair work. Send the firm email at fun@mcs.com or use a
Web browser with URL: http://venus.mcs.com/~fun/html/uni/main.html
Prima Travel Centre offers the full spectrum of travel needs, specializing
in discount cruises. The company also gets offers not available to the
general public. Make your travel easier: send email to pjerome@acy.digex.net
Fantastic 12-Day Art, Wine and Cuisine Tour of Rome, Florence, Siena &
Tuscany, with professional tour guides and nights in four-star hotels,
leaves SF, LA or NYC on Sept. 24th. Price is $3285 including airfare
with many meals/wine tastings. Details? mphillip@netcom.com
Camsun Vacation Enterprises offers furnished villas and townhome
accomodations for families at top rated resorts in the Orlando,
Florida. Stay minutes from Disneyworld, Seaworld, and Universal.
Enjoy heated pools, jaccuzzi, tennis, club house & much more.
Usually cheaper than a hotel! Email for info: babloo@gate.net
+ Vacation Realty is a licensed real estate broker offering worldwide
+ resale vacation timeshare at discounted prices. They also operate a
+ computer bulletin board where buyers and sellers meet, vacation rental
+ owners can advertise, and callers can view listings for rentals and
+ resales. Learn more through email: lhayden@morning.esnet.com
+ The ACCESS Foundation is a nonprofit organization specializing in
+ services for the handicapped and disabled traveller, their friends and
+ family members. Services include reservations, recommendations,
+ sightseeing, site evaluation, transportation and more. Equipment rentals,
+ medical treatment and/or pharmacological needs can be arranged. For
+ more info send email to danyaon@savvy.com
+ Alaskan scenic waterways located in southeast Alaska offers varies ecotours,
+ from one day to several weeks in length, in the Tongass National Forest. River
+ trips to sport fishing, hiking, exploring, photo, whale watching and more. To
+ learn about their exciting tours, contact fenstej@fsb.wosc.osshe.edu
Legal Services
Immigration Document Services helps with the Canadian and US immigration
process, including preliminary assessment and assistance with document
completion, counselling, settlement services and more, on a fee for
service basis. Learn more: send mail to Don Diduck at passport@sas.ab.ca
Source Translation and Optimization maintains a database of software
programs, patents, and algorithms and for a small fee can see if what
you're working on has been done before. STO also publishes a free
weekly list of all new US patents. Contact srctran@world.std.com
Ghostwriting Services
If it requires words, Circadion Corp can help: from novels to doctoral
dissertations, love letters to ad copy, he offers ghostwriting and
proofreading services. Material can also be edited and evaluated for
quality. Learn more through email: alan.beck@esbbs.esnet.com
Speakers Bureau
Looking for a great motivational speaker, sports or media star,
futurist, or business expert for your next compant or association
meeting? National Speakers Forum is one of the most trusted names in
the industry, representing 1000's of professionals. Send mail to
speakers@clark.net for a catalogue.
+ Annex: Research and Information Providers
Working on a deadline but out of time? If you're working on a book or
dissertation, our indexing and editing skills are at your service. We can
also research, abstract, and search online databases following your own
criteria. Finger njsmith@bga.com or send email to the same address for
more information.
SCAN-ITT converts your documents or image files into indexed image files
and/or text. SCAN-ITT can scan and OCR documents of any length, returning
indexed image and/or text files to you via Email, disk, CDROM or MO. You can
also FAX or Email scanned images for processing. Use of indexed documents
may require purchase of software. Send Email to "sales@scanitt.com" for info.
InfoImage can scan any text-based information and translate it
into formats suitable for most word processors. They can also turn
your info into a Windows .HLP hypertext file. Custom fonts with
signatures are also available. Learn more: lhung@nyx.cs.du.edu
Too busy to track the hundreds of journals that are published in your
field every day? Then UnCover Reveal could be a great win: you select
from its list of journals and the table of contents of the latest issues
are automatically emailed to you when received, without charge. You can
then order articles by reply email for a low fee. For information, send
electronic mail to "uncover@carl.org"
Need hard-to-find information fast? Knowledge One is the answer!
Knowledge One is a new information service, designed to provide information
on just about any topic in under an hour. Come see us on the Web (URL
http://KnowOne_WWW.sonoma.edu/) or send email to KnowOne@sonoma.edu for
more information.
INFORMATION RESEARCHERS provides a broad range of custom research,
including: company and industry profiles; literature and database searches;
bibliographies; and more, with convenient document delivery from a wide
variety of sources. For more information, or a free initial consultation
and estimate, contact Information Researchers at: info@uiuc.edu
Student Consulting Services (SCS) is a consulting and research
organization employing business students from a variety of disciplines.
SCS specializes in Import/Export consulting (location of distributors,
company marketing reports, tariffs, regulations, shipping, etc.) and
compilation of private, public and international company reports.
More through email: jlberry@cymbal.aix.calpoly.edu
Legal Information Services inc. offers online research in legal,
medical, busine ss, financial, technical and scientific databases, as
well as document deliveses and preliminary screening of trademarks and
patents. Rapid turnaround and reason able rates. For more information
send email to lisinc@ins.infonet.net
+ Research Access Inc. is a document delivery service specializing in
+ Computer Science technical reports from US universities and research
+ institutes. They provide timely, customized and convenient access to the
+ technical reports you need. Connect to URL http://www.rai.com/
+ Annex: Training and Education
You can do just about everything else through the Internet, so why
not learn at a virtual university? Sagacity Learning Universe is offering
just this service to Internet users, initially focusing on Future Studies,
with more to come. Contact Tom Abeles at tabeles@tmn.com or use gopher
to connect to tmn.com to learn more.
If your employees need to learn new skills, you can obtain advice and
assistance through the Internet. Services include: the planning of
training focused on your business, and the design and development of the
specific courses. Learn more through email. Send a message to
"anovak@panix.com" with the subject "Training".
VR Data Systems offers onsite DOS, NT, Unix and application training
courses, personnel and services throughout North America. Learn more
by sending electronic mail to at903@freenet.carleton.ca
+ The Writers Alliance, Inc. offers "Compass in Cyberspace," a series of
+ practical, hands-on Internet training workshops conducted by John
+ Makulowich each week in Rockville, Maryland as well as onsite worldwide.
+ Send mail to compass@clark.net for a current list of courses. Information
+ is also available at URL http://www.clark.net/pub/journalism/brochure.html
+ With Hane Industrial Training you can take advantage of the same hands-on
+ training Fortune 500 companies have used for years.Onsite workshops are
+ available in hydraulics, programmable controllers, motor drives, electronics,
+ mechanical systems, rigging and more. For information, contact: info@hane.com
+ QPI Process Focused Management is a "Virtual Management System" that
+ can transform a business to be in control, profitable and stable. QPI offers
+ training in the form of self-study materials, seminars and consulting with
+ practical applications. To learn more, send e-mail to: info@qpi.com
+ Video Training
If you're still puzzled about the possibilities of the Internet, you
can now order a videotape from Baltimore-based New Technologies covering
all the tools and techniques of surfing the so-called information wave.
For more information, drop a note to nti@clark.net
Allegro Information Services offers 3500 special interest and instructional
VHS videos, with a diverse collection covering dog training, computer
instruction, Chinese cooking, guitar, and many more. Learn something new
the fun way while making better use of your VCR! Contact them via
e-mail: allegro@mercury.interpath.net.
InfoVID Outlet offers a wide variety of educational, instructional and
informative videos from around the world, including over 3500 hard-to-find
titles. Titles range from auto repair and aerobics to boating, crafts, and
computers. Use their URL: http://branch.com:1080/infovid/c100.html
Science Television produces and distributes videotapes for scientists
and science students, covering topics like chaos theories, minimal
surfaces, and a history of perspective drawings. You can connect with
Science TV through the 'web: http://www.service.com/stv/home.html
New Videos are available for sale from Franklin Media Distribution
through the Internet. Titles include experimental, political, AIDS
activist, and feminist works. Email: Frank211@delphi.com for more
information, or send your postal address for a catalog.
Robert McConnell Productions offers a variety of unique and interesting
videos including "Parlimentary Procedures Made Simple" and many more.
Learn more about these videos through email: 75124.2446@compuserve.com
+ WRM & Associates is a national marketing company specializing in information
+ products. For information on any of over 10,000 "how to" videos, relocation
+ information, or information on obtaining merchant status for your home or
+ mail order business, send email to: info@WRM.com
Grant Proposals and Financial Aid
Internet Works, Inc. offers Online Interactive Workshops on Grant
Proposal Planning and Writing. In addition, online consulting services
are available in the grants area and in the use of the Internet. For
more information contact Herb Wylen <hwylen@access.digex.net>
Most students are unaware of the many sources of financial aid that
are available, but now you can work with Chinook College Funding Service
of Tucson, Arizona to explore the possibilities. For more information,
send an email message to 'info@chinook.com'
College Consulting Services offers help on writing projects - including
college admission essays - responses to research questions and help in
finding financial aid. Contact them through email: ajr@umd5.umd.edu
+ Development and Family Learning
Children and teachers love to sing along with the many music cassettes
and fun kits produced by Jordan Music Productions. Learn more about the
possibilities: Send email to "vmall@hookup.net" with the subject "send
jordan catalog"
Interactive Video Systems can take family pictures and incorporate
them into an educational cartoon that includes a personalized activity
book. Send mail to 'vmall@hookup.net" with the subject "send ivideo catalog"
No mission is more important, no adventure is more rewarding than raising
caring, competent children. The Craftsmanship Company presents: LIFECRAFT
"The Art and Science of Skillful Living". A family reference of skills to
Teach your children to make a masterpiece of their lives. For ordering
information Contact: CRAFTSMANCO@delphi.com
+ Dexter Three Dimensional Publishing Company publishes a wide variety of
+ high quality educational products for school and home use, with a focus
+ on African American contributions to U.S. history. Products include math
+ workbooks, educational videos, books, social studies materials and
+ software. Send email with your postal address to dakinshe@cap.gwu.edu
+ for their free catalog.
+ Your child will be delighted to have the starring role in his or her
+ own story! Personalized children's books from Personal Impressions
+ incorporate your child's name, age, city and up to 3 friends names in
+ the text of the story. The books have are hard cover and are
+ brilliantly illustrated in color. More info is available at 'Web URL
+ http://mmink.cts.com/mmink/dossiers/pi.html or through gopher to mb.com
+ Gwin & Co. Personalized Gifts offers over 40 different titles of
+ personalized books, suitable for all ages. Your favorite person
+ becomes the "star" of the story. These books are perfect for new baby
+ gifts, birthday, and Christmas gifts. Free catalog: Books4All@aol.com
Educational Software Design
The X Press specialize in educational documents, software, HyperCard Stacks
and more, with all products conforming to the UK National Curriculum
guidelines. TXP also offers assistance with software design, marketing
products into the UK, packaging and reproduction. For more details, please
contact: Therese Lewis: therese@armswalk.demon.co.uk
Petersen Monument Works sells monuments directly to Internet users at
wholesale prices. Monuments are made from any of the world's 10 most
beautiful granites and can be delivered and set anywhere in the contiguous
48 states. For full color catalog and prices send e-mail with "info or
"prices" in the subject to: Travis_Casey@maclair.sccsi.com
+ FIFTH FLOOR: Clothes
Looking for those special high heel shoes? Now you can shop through
the Internet with Stilettos, focusing on high heels in sizes 4-14.
Learn more by FTP'ing the file 'pub/hpi/stiletto.zip' from ftp.netcom.com
+ Appellation Spring is the exclusive Internet source for rare T-shirts from
+ some of California's top wineries. Learn more by connecting to them
+ through the World Wide Web: URL http://www.wilder.com/winery.html
+ or by email: winery@wilder.com
+ Stonewall partners offers attractive shirts embroidered with a red
+ ribbon letting you show your support for AIDS research. 5% of the
+ sale of each shirt will be donated to AIDS related causes. Learn
+ more through URL http://branch.com:1080
+ Davis C. Enterprises offers a variety of quality T-Shirts, sweatshirts
+ and other sportswear apparel, blank and silk-screened. Orders must be
+ a minimum of 200 or more, and you can choose your colors and material
+ blend. Learn more through email: denise@america.net
+ The Tanel Corporation makes athletic footwear that combines high
+ quality and comfort with design features that can reduce the risk of
+ injury. Footwear includes models for grass and artificial turf for
+ baseball, softball and football. Mail inquiries to apo@earth.execpc.com
+ TOP FLOOR: The Food Mall
Popcorn is much more than just something you put in the microwave oven
and to prove it Myers' Gourmet Popcorn of Colorado Springs is now on the
Internet! Receive a catalog of their many products by sending email to
the company: "mgp@aol.com"
Chocolate-lovers will cheer the addition of Rogers Chocolates to the
Internet Mall. A small company with recipes going back over 100 years,
these chocolates make great gifts, if you can let 'em out of arms reach.
Get your own catalog by sending mail to "vmall@hookup.net" with the
subject "send rogers catalog"
Murchies Tea and Coffee now offers a variety of beverage alternatives to
Internet users, including hand-picked gourmet coffees, teas from exotic
gardens, delectible edibles and imported gourmet spices. Learn more by
sending mail to "vmall@hookup.net" with subject "send murchies catalog"
Gardeners and cooks alike will be pleased to find River View Herbs
on the Internet, with its selection of over 350 herbs, edible flowers
and scented geraniums. Get your own catalog by sending mail to
"vmall@hookup.net" with the subject "send rvherbs catalog"
Brewing your own beer? Canting (or decanting) your own wine? Now
you can get yeast, bottles, filters, barrels and all the other elements
of a home-brewery through Watson's Barrels and Wine Making Supplies.
Send mail to "vmall@hookup.net" with the subject "send WATSON catalog"
Gourmet peanut lovers will rejoice that the Virginia Diner is now
offering its unique peanut gifts through the Internet. To find out
more about these delightful items or even about the restaurant
itself, use the 'Web: URL http://www.infi.net/vadiner/vadiner.html
Annex: Vitamins and Nutritional Supplements
WellnessMart offers a variety of different books, newsletters and
free publications on nutrition, and also sells its own nutritional
and herbal supplements. Learn more by sending email: info@wellnessmart.com
+ ABBA Intl. Inc. offers a comprehensive line of cutting edge technology
+ nutritional products, including the Abba Gold containing
+ Proanthocyanidin and Synergetic Antioxidant Factors and Chelated
+ Minerals. Very Competitive Prices. For Info contact NICKT@MAGNUS1.COM
Going overseas? Living overseas? American Supply International, Inc.
is the premier worldwide supplier of groceries and household goods
to Americans living abroad. You can have tuna in Taiwan, beans in Brussels,
and jelly in Johannesburg! 100% guarantee of satisfaction. To receive
their FREE catalogs, send your mailing address to: asii@dgs.dgsys.com
Fine wines can now be bought through the Internet! Lambert Bridge Winery,
one of California's premier small wineries, is delighted to offer its
outstanding, reasonably priced wines directly to you. For more
information send e-mail to "lambert@crl.com"
+ Farm fresh foods from Hilyard & Hilquist of Stanislaus County: enjoy
+ the sumptuous taste of fresh real and natural food, sent direct to you
+ from local farms and producers. Olives, rice, beans, melons, apricots,
+ raisins, oils, nuts, and more. Send them email: hilyard@aol.com
**** Notes on the Internet Mall ****
This listing is maintained by Dave Taylor, who is responsible for
the specific prose in each listing. If you disagree with anything
stated, have good or bad experiences with any of these services,
or, most importantly, have additional services to add to this list,
please send me electronic mail: taylor@netcom.com. Please note
that I am in no way able to guarantee the legitimacy of any
service listed herein and am in no way liable for any good or
bad experiences you might have. Caveat emptor!
The criteria for being on this list are that the company must be on
the Internet, must have products that they sell and customers must be
able to order through the net directly, either by gopher, wais, www,
or email. Excluded from this list are Internet service providers
themselves, contract technical support from companies, consultants
and MLM, franchise, or other similar marketing and sales schemes.
This list is available through a variety of mechanisms: type
'finger taylor@netcom.com' for information on how to obtain the
most up-to-date copy or send a message with 'send mall' as the
subject to taylor@netcom.com. To receive updates automatically,
please sign up for the IMALL-L mailing list by sending mail to
'listserv@netcom.com' that says 'subscribe imall-l'
Finally, this listing and compilation of material is (C) Copyright
1994 Dave Taylor. The Internet Mall is a trademark of Intuitive
Systems, and "Shopping on the Information Highway" is a service
mark of Intuitive Systems. Permission to distribute this list is
granted providing the entire list remains intact, including this
notice. If you're going to publish it, let me know!
All trademarked items are the sole legal property of the registered
trademark holders and are used with that understanding.